Demandbase Demandbase

Easy as ABX - Data is Only Worth Buying if it's Relevant

Explore how to ensure you only acquire useful, relevant data

August 11, 2022 | 4 minute read

Not all data is created equal.

Yet, there are probably countless data vendors and providers in your inbox making offers on databases, and you’re also likely on the hunt for some new prospects you can target.

But before you go out and sign on any dotted lines to acquire any data, it’s imperative that you’re sure the set is not full of inaccurate or outdated data that will not only be useless in your quest to increase revenue for your business, but it will ultimately be creating more work and unnecessary noise as you sift through and search for those few golden opportunities.

Let’s discuss how to ensure that moving forward you only acquire useful, relevant data.

It all starts with the ICP

In an ideal world, you first need to understand your ideal customer profile (ICP), so that you can bring in the data that will provide you with the highest amount of contacts that make sense for you to go after. Once you have that part figured out, the next step is to determine which of those companies in the ICP have known and anonymous buying committees, and whether they are:

  •  In-market: Showing buying signals relevant to your products and services.
  •  Engaged: And if/how they are engaging with your brand
  • Known and anonymous website visits – what are/aren’t they seeing
  • Corporate email responses
  • Sales interactions
  • Event attendance, and where they are on the buyer journey.

As well as where they are on your buyer journey (which is key to knowing what messaging to use).

Quality over quantity

Having the ICP, the account’s intent behavior, and their buyer journey step should suffice to determine whether they should be in your database.

The next filter in your data relevance search is to decide what type of data (company information, financials, hierarchies, news/events, and relevant contacts) you and your sales team need in your CRM/MAP to succeed –– and buy only that.

Anything else is a waste of budget, time, and resources. Your team can definitely make better use of their time than to spend it figuring out how to cut through the noise!

It’s Account Intelligence time!

Now, when we talk about data –– what do we mean?

  • Account/Company information, including:
  • Hierarchies: Organizational structure, subsidiaries, etc.
  • Firmographics: Financials, employee count, etc.
  • Intent Signals: Data that helps you determine when an account is in-market.
  • Technographics: What technology are they using today? Which is key to help you position your offering in a competitive/complementary nature.
  • Competition: How engaged are they?
  • Contacts (and how to reach them):
  • Names
  • Roles
  • Relationships
  • Email
  • Mobile

And when you bring all of that data together in one place (both first- and third-party), what do you get? Account Intelligence.

The power of having insight on all of that anonymous and known buyer committee activity, combined with all the required data on those companies –– in your hands and in the platforms you live in –– is that you’re able to better prioritise your efforts, sync your messaging, and gain control of your prospects’ buyer journey from the very beginning.

That’s the Demandbase way.

Value-based results

We help our clients identify exactly what data they need, and supplement, enhance, and clean the data within their MAP/CRM so their sales teams can focus on the right accounts, with the right message, and have the data they need to succeed –– all at their fingertips. This is smarter data buying!

The result for you:

  • Reduced wasted time and budget
  • No regret over missed opportunities
  • Stronger, more relevant pipeline
  • Faster sales cycles (with sales focused only on opportunities they can close)
  • Higher AOV
  • Increased close rates

We’re always available to show you exactly how you can get only the data you need (within the platforms your sales and marketing teams already leverage), and nothing more.